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Individual Donor Levels
Platinum Circle

Donate $5,000 or more! You will receive:

  • Acknowledgment on our website and in printed publications as a Platinum Circle Donor
  • Social media post highlighting you or your company/organization as a Platinum Circle Donor
  • Program advertisement and booth/display/banner at ALL of this year's ArtStream concerts AND our Miller Outdoor Theater concert.
Gold Circle

Donate $2,500 or more! You will receive:

  • Acknowledgment on our website and in printed publications as a Gold Circle Donor
  • Social media post highlighting you or your company/organization as a Gold Circle Donor
  • Program advertisement and booth/display/banner at two of this year's ArtStream concerts OR our Miller Outdoor Theater concert
Silver Circle

Donate $1,000 or more! You will receive:

  • Acknowledgment on our website and printed publications as a Silver Circle Donor
  • Social media post highlighting you or your company/organization as a Silver Circle Donor
  • Opportunity to present a booth/display/banner at one of this year's ArtStream concerts
Bronze Circle

Donate $500 or more! You will receive:

  • Acknowledgment on our website and printed publications as a Bronze Circle Donor
  • Social media post highlighting you or your company/organization as a Bronze Circle Donor
  • Two (2) tickets (live or online) to one of this year's ArtStream concerts

Donate $100 or more! You will receive:

Acknowledgment on our website and printed publications as a Silambam Patron


Donate any amount! You will receive:
Acknowledgment on our website as a Silambam Donor
